Blank Blook Project
The Blank Book Project is a youth-led initiative supported by Chokecherry Studios and in partnership with the Crystal Meth Working Group of the Safe Community Action Alliance, to raise awareness about crystal meth. This awareness project came is part of the strategic actions outlined in the report, A Community Response to Crystal Meth in Saskatoon (2020).
As youth living in Saskatoon, we see the impacts of crystal meth everyday. Some of us have been users and some of us are users. Some of us have watched and some of us are still watching crystal meth devastate the lives of our loved ones. We've come together to share our stories and live experiences in hopes of raising awareness of the crystal meth crisis in our city.
The purpose of the Blank Book is to reduce stigma and humanize people addicted to crystal meth. We believe that these stories will illuminate that crystal meth affects people from all walks of life and will offer perspectives on addiction that are often overlooked or not heard. Most of all, we hope this project will show those who feel alone, that they are not alone.